
The success of any thriving community rests in the development and preparation of the next generation

What is the Gift Center?

In an era characterized by social media, new technology, eroding interpersonal skills among today’s youth, and the growing need of cultural representation in all spheres of influence, the Gift Center is the answer to a very unique 21st century problem. The Gift Center Leadership Academy targets 9th & 10th grade scholars from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds who are underrepresented in Gifted/Talented programs, Advanced and AP classes  in the home school, public school and private school sector. The Gift Center will foster the development of gifts in youth from all cultural groups. More importantly, the Gift Center will train students to develop Christ like character to keep them when their gifts open doors to platforms of great influence, and disciple them into leaders for the Kingdom of God. 


Meet the Founder


Larissa Dayana Jean

“For Such a Time as This”

Born in Port au Prince, Haiti and raised in the United States, I was born to teach. At the tender age of four years old, I knew that education would be the sphere of influence God created me to impact for His glory. I spent my childhood in Boston, Massachusetts, where I was enrolled in various gifted programs as early as third grade. This continued into my middle school years, after my family relocated to Lawrenceville, Georgia. God was faithful in blessing me with teachers and counselors to encourage me and point me in the right direction.

However, although I continued to challenge myself through AP courses and rigorous coursework, I wish I had more support, shepherding, and discipleship. What I know now as an educator, I wish I knew prior to graduating from high school. At times, it was a very lonely path. As a first generation college student of immigrant parents, we did not know the right questions to ask, nor where to look for the answers for life after college.

My vivid experiences of usually being the only student from a different cultural and linguistic background in my AP and advanced level classes enabled me to connect with my own students with similar experiences when I became a high school Spanish teacher. In 2014, God opened a door for me to serve as the International Baccalaureate and Gifted Coordinator for the Clarke County School District in Athens, Georgia.

When I learned that gifted students from diverse cultural backgrounds at my school were underrepresented in the AP Program and Advanced Level courses at the school, I established and led the Gifted Minorities Achieving Initiative, which provided support for culturally and linguistically diverse students and their families with the academic, social, and emotional support that is unique to gifted minority students. This experience was not only a powerful opportunity to be an agent of change in the field of education, but God used it to spark a new passion in my heart in leading and shepherding the next generation of Christ followers from all cultural backgrounds, because talent is found in all cultural groups!

I am a life long learner, a leader, a coach, a mentor, and an advocate for the “invisible” gifted population in the public, private, and home school sectors. I would be so honored and blessed to partner with your child as he or she uses their God given gift to impact their God assigned sphere of influence!



Gift Center Leadership Academy

Vision & Mission

The Vision of the Gift Center Leadership Academy is to equip young people from all cultural groups to use their God given gifts to build up their community, make an impact for the Kingdom of God, and to lead in their generation.

The Mission of the Gift Center Leadership Academy is to develop Kingdom leaders who will discover, sharpen, steward, and operate in their gift in order to impact the seven mountains of influence for the glory of God. 



Gift Center Leadership Academy

Core Values


The word of god

The Word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. As the Lord opens doors of opportunities for each Gift Center Scholar, and with the Word of God as  their anchor, Gift Center Scholars will be equipped to have a Biblical worldview as they navigate through a changing world with the unchanging Word of God.

Christlike Character

Jesus Christ is the greatest gift to the world. True purpose and fulfillment, and a life that produces fruit that will last, can only  comes through relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Gift Center Leaders will grow in their own personal relationship with Christ, through discipleship, as they learn how to emulate Jesus Christ in thought, in deed, and in speech.


Servant Leadership

“...the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”(Matthew 20:28). Jesus is our model for true servant leadership in the earth. Gift Center Leaders will understand their role as leaders within their communities, the church, their schools, and their spheres of influence. Gift Center Scholars will understand their responsibility to use their gift to lead like Christ wherever their gift makes room for them.  

discover your gift

“In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.” (Romans 12:6, NLT) You have a unique grace for your race! God desires to help you find your unique gift!


sharpen your gift

Practice makes perfect. When you faithfully sharpen your gift and surround yourself with others who have a similar grace, iron truly sharpens iron!

operate in your gift

Don’t sit on your gift—use it for the glory of God! There is a specific field of influence that God intends to use you in this hour! Your gift is not for you—it is intended to bring God all the glory, and draw people to Him!


Steward your gift

“For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.”( Luke 12:48, NKJV). We are simply managers of everything God gives us, and that includes our gift. How you mange your time, resources, your relationship with God and others, and your character will determine if you can maintain the platform your gift opens up to you. God cares about the behind the scenes work more than any spotlight. Remember: Preparation before platform!